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  • Writer's pictureSarah Davis

Vellas, Vellas, and more Vellas!

Hello, hello, dearest readers!

One of my favorite authors and editors, Tirzah Hawkins, posted a pic of her writing schedule. Actually, it was a calendar of sorts of the words she wrote per day, on what story, and another calendar that showed her posting schedule for her stories.

(Click on the pic to be taken to her Vella, The Monarch's Daughter, or copy and paste this... )

Me, being a to-do list lover, had somehow struggled with developing my own way of tracking my Vella stories. Yes, I had a daily word count goal, but not a way to correlate with the business side of Vella,

So, I emulated her tracking idea and have been meeting my goals.

What an incredible feeling, am I right?

A not-so-incredible feeling is motion sickness. Puke. During this first month of tracking, my family drove from North Dakota to Texas. All those wonderful medications to stave off nausea and headaches have another side effect... Drowsiness.

Let me be honest. Riding in a vehicle triggers a sleep reflex in me. It was a way for my parents to take long trips and keep me quiet.

"Take a nap, Sarah. You'll wake up when we get there."

I slept through the flyover states, opening my eyes with a belly full of get-me-out-the-hell-out-of-this-damn-car to the heavenly 105℉.


And I failed to meet my writing goals for several days.

*not panicking, not panicking*

It's always good to have a plan, though.

My other plan is to let you beautiful people know about another KINDLE VELLA FAIR featuring BUCKLES. Click on either pic below to get you over to the website.

Ten years ago, I washed up on shore with no memory of my past. When a mysterious ship docks at harbor, my forgotten memories come flooding back. My childhood friend has become a dashing and wicked pirate, but can I trust his motives? I'm thrown back out to sea with questions that only he can answer. A story of betrayal, secrets, and redemption awaits those who join me in my thrilling journey.

Buckles, or Nadia, is a character my youngest daughter and I have discussed in length. If there is a YA love triangle, it's her fault. Just saying.

Unable to speak above a whisper, Nadia and her adoptive father, Lev, create and repair shoes for the locals on an island in the archipelago of Norway in the 1800s, so their shoemaking and folklore, and lots of cod.

There are so many amazing stories to choose to read. I have my own favorites. :)

If you are new to Vella, let me explain a few things.

Log into Amazon. Search for Kindle Vella. Click on the Kindle Vella icon.

Explore the categories, individual stories, or search for your intended read!

Don't they look pretty?

Back to Vella... The first three episodes of every story are FREE! Then, each episode costs tokens (which you purchase from zon).

I hear some of ya. Ugh. Buy more from Amazon. Yeah, well, this is the platform I chose to start my series. And, if you would ever buy another person a coffee or a soda or a beer, this is the equivalent of buying an author a refreshment.

Clicking the LIKE at the bottom of each episode, FOLLOWING to be alerted to new episodes (if you have your notifications turned on), and FAVE-ing the story you liked the very bestest every Sunday is a way to give an author you adore a virtual hug or high five.

That's the short jist on Kindle Vella.

What else am I working on? Besides loving some babies, Weimaraners Gerhardt and Gretchen, I am whipping up a holiday romance and a story about a Weimaraner, from her point of view.

Thank you for sticking with my ramblings until the end.

Until next time, stay salty and sweet.



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